Huynh: 'The story without a happy end'

I like to thank everybody who has tried to help me in my 90 day stay in Europe.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
I do it now because in one week I have to go back to Vietnam and there I will not be able to play badminton anymore.
It is hard to explain but if you do something different than what the leaders in my country want you have a problem.
My 90 days in Europe have been a lifetime experience. I will tell my children and grand children about it and that makes me very happy. It also make me sad to think about that I will NEVER see most of the nice people that I have met ever again.
There are a couple of people I would like to thank specially. Peter from Carlton, it was so nice to meet you and I like it that you have believed in me from day 1. Carlton is not big in Asia but I will do everything I can to make it more known, because there are good people behind it. Thank you a lot.
The people of Oro I like to thank also. You made it possible for me to get a visa and always tried to talk with me, smiled at me when I drove by on my bike in full winter clothes in september ;-). The climate is cold but the people are so warm.
Leon Ham, you have also gotten a place in my heart. My training mate, friendly always and keeping up with my swinging modes. I would like to welcome you in my home one day. And most of all I would like to thank Ron. Coach, friend and big supporter for me in everyway possible. You say I will come again next year, but I don't know if that will happen... I want to, but my country will maybe not let me.
I like to say sorry to the people I have disappointed. To forgive me and give me the time to make it up to you. I will leave with a smile on my face and a tear in my eyes.
Thank you all
Duong Nhut Huynh
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