10 years of Badzine

10 years of Badzine

The world's most popular badminton webzine is 10 years old this month. Raphael Sachetat and his friend Jeff Chauveau began the journey back in August 2003 in an effort to bring badminton news firstly to the people of France before later starting the international version of the popular website which today is one of the premier badminton websites in the world.


Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

Initially the guys had little intent on their blog being anything more than fun but the labour of love soon turned into a passion to deliver quality news and along with professional on site photos the badzine brand soon became a one stop shop for every badminton fan.

As badzine went international in 2006 with its English language version so to did its popularity and what makes the story all the more special is that all the contributors give their time purely on a voluntary basis.

I myself found my feet in the badminton world at badzine and I have fond memories of many trips to All England and French Opens between 2007 & 2010. I like to think I still hold the record for most articles in one day from a singles event when, as an over enthusiastic greenhorn, I wrote 8 articles (of dubious quality I must add) on the first days play of the 2008 All England.

What makes Badzine work is the spirit in which it operates. Raphael Sachetat has been its leading light since its inception and his trusty sidekick Don Hearn has been the unsung hero of the whole operation for as long as I can remember.

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