Soraya de Visch Eijbergen through to round two at the Scottish Open Grand Prix 2015
Today's Round 1 match at the Scottish Open Grand Prix 2015 was not my best. I'll chalk it up to being away from the tournament circuit for a few weeks smile-emoticon
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
In the first game I was able to take a rather comfortable lead from 7-7 onwards. My opponent Martina Repiská didn't push me too much into making unforced errors: 11-21.
The second game showed a different course, with Repiska constantly trailing by only two or three points up until 11-8. Luckily I quickly regained some of my usual level of play and took the match with 9-21.
My next match will be against Natalia Perminova from Russia, who beat Karin Schnaase in three games. Natalia and I know each other's game pretty well, so it'll be interesting to see who will come out on top tomorrow.
I'm ready!
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