Huynh over het Vinh Thanh project
After the national championships last week I have free time to go back my home town now and start the project up because the first money has come from Holland.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Two people have give a donation and one more has given me a micro loan, so the first 16.000.000 VND (ongeveer €576,50 -red.) are in the bank.
The start will be the players house with four or five rooms where eight to ten people can stay. I will see the people who will sell the ground to me. There is still some old building on it as you can see the picture.
In a couple of weeks we will start the clean up of the ground and break down the left over of the old building. We have to do it step by step, work when it is possible.
With the first money I can make a down payment and I can start to look how I can keep the project going.
Duong Nhut Huynh
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